ORDEM DOS EMPRESÁRIOS S/A - Internacional Order Of Entrepreneurs Holding Company
Rate 0 and deadline D+1 for anticipation Prepayment of Receivables
Sunday, 03 Sep 2023 00:00 am
ORDEM DOS EMPRESÁRIOS S/A - Internacional Order Of Entrepreneurs Holding Company

ORDEM DOS EMPRESÁRIOS S/A - Internacional Order Of Entrepreneurs Holding Company

It is possible to prepay receivables on D+0 and without fees.

You will sell on your credit card and receive the money on the same day without paying advance fees.

You will also sell cash on the card and receive cash in cash without installments.

And you will still save up to 15% on taxes - PIS, Cofins, ISS - and increase your profit.

Let us help you eliminate the prepayment fees you pay.
We have tools for you to pay less taxes and earn more, helping you to: