ORDEM DOS EMPRESÁRIOS S/A - Internacional Order Of Entrepreneurs Holding Company
International Legal and Accounting Consulting Legally, we'll help you cut back on how much you pay in taxes.
Sunday, 03 Sep 2023 03:00 am
ORDEM DOS EMPRESÁRIOS S/A - Internacional Order Of Entrepreneurs Holding Company

ORDEM DOS EMPRESÁRIOS S/A - Internacional Order Of Entrepreneurs Holding Company

Legal and Accounting Security

It is normal for the accountant or the lawyer to act in a single municipality, forum, board of trade, in a single tax regime (Simples Nacional) or in the litigious area of ​​a single area of ​​Law (Labor or Corporate).

The Order operates in all areas, municipalities, states and countries.

There are municipalities with a lower ISS rate, there are states with a lower ITCMD rate, there are better tax regimes for your company's billing range, there are activities here and abroad without taxes on services, and there are countries without taxes on inheritance or on patrimony.

The Order knows and will give you legal and accounting security for:

reorganize assets and reduce tax rates;
eliminate taxes with corporate restructuring;
reposition assets and schedule a free succession.

We have a variety of ways for you to pay less tax, and we can help you: